Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Filia! From: Stella

 Happy Birthday Filia!  I can't believe you are two!  We love you-Alma Mater's favorite 2-year old!
 Prim 'n Proper
 Beautiful Girlie!
 I love that smile!
 Tert loves homeschooling Filia!  She will pull out her flashcards and Tert teaches her the animals and their sounds.  It is so sweet and he is very proud that he is old enough to be a 'teacher' ;) 
 Sweet Little 'Partners in Crime'
 Her hair is getting so long, and she sits patiently while I put in braid after braid ;)
 Here's the little model! 
 Filia asks to be able to 'pay watow' which means play water!  She will push the computer chair up to the sink and we let a trickle out of the faucets and pull out the measuring cups...
 She loves Elmo!
Below is part of Filia's birthday dinner...
 Egg Cups-a family favorite!  You put a slice of ham (honey glazed is best) in a muffin cup, crack an egg into it and sprinkle some cheese on top before baking.  Voila!  It's an egg cup! :D
Filia's birthday dinner, corn bagels with honey, egg cups, olives, and leftovers from Rus' Roman Feast!

What a busy girl!  Time to bake some birthday cupcakes with Sis :)
Proud Chefs
Completed Kitty Cupcakes ;)
Make a wish!

Rus wrote the sweetest book for his little sister.  He was soooo excited to give it to her.  She listened patiently and loved it ;) 
'Professional-looking' cover ;)
Filia LOVES her card from Grandma and Grandpa P. Look Who's 2!
She also loves her tea set from Grandma and Grandpa P :D Thank you so much!
Yay! Now she can 'pay watow' with her real tea set :) 
Her brothers liked it almost as much as she did ;)
She loves her new 'kitty' from Mommy and Daddy and walks around with it all the time ;) 
Filia loves her 'Ha-ha' doll as she calls it from Grandma and Grandpa Z! The doll laughs when you press it :P
Filia has so much fun with her magnet animals set from Mommy and Daddy :-)
This little 'farm' is so cool!  The hinges swing open to reveal sections of the barn, and the animals inside are magnetic, so they can't fall out if this falls off the shelf!  Filia plays with this endlessly!
Now here is the last gift that we gave her before giving her her 'big gift' :) I gave her all of my mini American Girl dolls (Samantha, Nellie, Felicity, Elizabeth, Molly, Emily) which lead into the big gift...
Here is my old dollhouse. The shingles were falling off, and the floor was starting to peel a bit...
...other than that it was in good shape, but we were excited to get a new one for Filia's birthday...
 Madeline dollhouse! Mom found this HUGE dollhouse at a consignment shop.  It's hard to get an idea of how big it is in this picture, but you'll see it size-proportioned later ;) 
But how were we going to fit it? This is what our room looked like (above)
This is where the old dollhouse was, but it was TIGHT! (pay no attention to the dolls on the floor (ahem) ) 
Pictures! (Of course, I have tons in my room!) 
So, it was time to get the crib out of the room and switch to...
BUNKBEDS! (Tert insisted on being in the picture)
The 'new look' complete with Filia's and Stella's bag from Great Grandma, the measuring tape, medals, etc...
Filia LOVED her new bed ;)
Here is our sleeping beauty.
Her immediate reaction was to get on her knees and ring the doorbell. 
Here is the inside, all set up for her ;) (Note the little sink in the top left, twelve little beds in the top right, the schoolroom in the bottom left, and the kitchen in the bottom right) 
Tert loves playing dolls with her!
Happy Birthday Filia-we all love you so much!  I'll end with some favorite pictures...
Pretty Girlie
~Birthday Buds~

1 comment:

Siobhan said...

We love you so much Filia! Happy Birthday ;)