Friday, November 20, 2009

Benefits of Owning a Dog By: Stella* Age: 9 1/2

Our sweet, little Cora!

Growing up!

We recently went to a breeder in MA to pick up our first family puppy dog. There are many advantages to having a dog in the home, and here are three: I can have responsibility for an animal, experience the fun of a pet, and learn to persevere through challenges and see the good rewards of training.

One of the reasons I like having a dog is that it provides me with the responsibility of owning an animal. It gives me a real sense of satisfaction to feed, brush, and bathe my dog, Cora.

Another reason I enjoy having a pet is because of the fun and companionship it brings. I love greeting Cora every morning and patting her HUGE ;), fuzzy ears! I also enjoy her company when I take her on walks. Our family loves letting Cora out in the house. She always seems to be on the go, so we have to keep a close eye on her! (Actually, really more like TWO eyes on her!)

Finally, I enjoy having a pet because it is a challenge, that results in benefits. It was a little hard at first when we had to clean up Cora's puppy accidents and walk her every 20 minutes! Then, after a while, she learned. When she stopped having accidents we could leave her home for longer and longer periods. Life returned to normal, and I felt satisfied with all that I had taught her. In all, I think there are many wonderful reasons why everybody should have a dog.

Even though there are many hard times along the way, it really pays off in the end to have a loving friend in the home. Some people say, "A dog is a man's best friend!", and I agree!

By: Stella
Age: 9 1/2
Grade: 5

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Scavenger Hunt By: Stella* Age: 9 1/2

On Monday, we went on a scavenger hunt. It was for our Destination Imagination Class. We went on it so that we could see all of the possibilities of materials for our challenge that we picked. We are doing a theatrical challenge this year. Last year our team got 60 points out of like 80 for our skit that one of my team members and I wrote! (YEAH!) ;)
We went to Home Depot. At Home Depot we got a list of things. Here is an example of what we might have had to find in Home Depot:

1.(E) List some ways of changing one color into another color.
1. (Example answer that my team thought of): Stained glass window
We would have to find as many ways as we could. We had an hour to look for a list of 18 things, (I think it was 18!) We teamed up into groups. I was in a group of two other girls. We have two instructors. One of the instructors went with me and my friends, Mom went with Leo and some of his friends, and then our other instructor went with two other kids. We also then went over to Michael's and did the same thing. At the end of the Home Depot Scavenger Hunt we got prizes. My team tied with the third team. Leo's team came in close behind. (All of the different teams that paired up were from our DI team.) The prizes were M&Ms, skittles, etc.
We made a chant that represents our team. We present ourselves to all of the other teams at the challenge. One of the girls on the team has a little sister who is going to be our mascot. She is going to be in a M&M costume. This is our chant:


Let me explain why that is peanut M&Ms! You might say,"Why not M&Ms?" Well, we were going to do that but one of the girls was like, "But I HATE M&Ms! I like peanut M&Ms though!" ;) I said, "Then how about this, "2468 Peanut M&Ms are great..." One of the boys finished with, "...and so are my DI teammates!" Then it stuck!

By: Stella
Age: 9 1/2
5th Grade

Reptiles on the Move By: Leo Age: 8 Dictated to (and pictures posted by): Stella* Age: 9 1/2

WHOA! CATCH THE TURTLE! "Oh, nice ummm... Taurus!" ;) (WINK)

If you look hard you will see Taurus! This is the boa that Leo wrote about liking in his post.

Struggling to CONTROL A SNAKE! Right after this picture was taken the snake started going down poor Leo's SHIRT!

Stella, posing with a turtle!

On Monday, I went to a library program. At the program we learned a little bit more about reptiles. One of the reptiles was a boa constrictor. A boa is my favorite type of snake. I enjoyed seeing the American Alligator. A while ago I did a report on Florida. The most common alligator is the American Alligator. My favorite type of alligator is the American Alligator. We learned about differentiating a male from a female snake. We also learned about differentiating a male from a female lizard. A male snake has a skinnier, longer tail, and a female snake has a larger, shorter tail. A male lizard has larger lumps of skin under his legs. A female lizard has smaller less visible lumps. I enjoy going to reptiles on the move because we get to see ancient and non-native reptiles.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Confucius vs. James By: Stella Age: 9 1/2

Confucius vs. James

Confucius writes that, "The gentleman is said to be slow in speech and brisk in action." Ch. 2 Vs. 24

James writes in James 1:19, "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and should not get angry easily."

Confucius suggests that we are to be slow to speak and quick to act. I don't think James is encouraging the same thing. James is saying that we are to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. If we are "brisk in action" as Confucius says to be, then we might do something in haste without thinking about it. That often triggers the other person to say something back. We are acting according to our own desires. James teaches that we should act according to God's word. Here are some passages that explain that:

James 2:8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing well.

James 2:10: for whoever keeps the whole law but fails at one point has become accountable for all of it.

Confucius and Jame's sayings are similar in some ways because both teach that we should be slot to speak. Confucius is trying to point out that we should be slow to speak. Confucius is trying to point out that we should be slow to speak, but if we are brisk in action then that might mean we aren't giving enough thought to what we're doing. James' advice is to really think about how we respond and what out actions accomplish before we respond. If we aren't careful we might hurt someone.
If you put a gentleman (according to Confucius), and a godly man (according to James) side by side you would see a lot of differences in their character. For example, a godly man is living according to God's word and the Confucian gentleman is living to please himself and display his goodness and draw attention to his behavior.

By: Stella
Age: 9 1/2
Grade 5

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Filial Piety By: Leo Age: 8 Dictated to: Stella Age : 9 1/2

(This is a paragraph Leo wrote on filial piety. He got this Confucian saying from his history book:)
"Nowadays, to provide for parents is considered filial piety. But dogs and horses are so provided. Without respect, what is the difference?"

Leo's Report on this saying:

Everyday you throw hay to an animal. What is the difference between this care and respect and honoring your parents? When you throw hay to a horse it is not respect. Real respect consists of loving; it is not just caring for everyday needs. In a book I've been studying there is an apprentice who shows a very good example of filial piety. (Title: Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze.) He cares for his mother with genuine love and care. This boy was living in China. The children in China were taught to honor their parents, and wake up early, beat blankets, sweep the court, and prepare breakfast. That is real respect. I think respect is important not only because GOD commands us to honor our parents, but because God has put our parents over us. In these days it is starting to look like filial piety is out of date, but really it is as important now as it was in Ancient China.