Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Shaila's Hernia Surgery

I have had such a fun time this month it is January 28, 2019, today. Oh and the most surprising thing that happened this month is I got a Hernia surgery! I had a pretty hard recovery but I got better in maybe about a few days to a week! I feel so much better now because it has healed almost fully. And I do not have to be helped with so much stuff anymore! But the challenge is I cannot really lift anything over 5 pounds and I have two twin brothers, but I have gotten used to not lifting them. Me and my Mom stayed in the recovery room for about two to four hours waiting for two babies to have their Hernia surgery. I guess the hospital was kind of full in the morning!! Oh and that is the other thing, I had to get up at like five in the morning! I was very tired but I also had so much fun at the hospital with my Mom!! We read books and watched movies and made a Fancy Nancy puzzle oh it was so much fun!! Then it was time for the surgery and I got to ride in a Jeep to the room where they were going to do the surgery. And when they gave me the medicine I saw weird blurry faces and then I went right to sleep. So then I went out to the car in a Wheelchair and then we got in and then we drove home and I watched movies a lot the rest of the day! And then some of our best friends came over to see us! Well I think that is all that happened!!

Talk to you in my next article.

                                                THE END.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year 2019 from Siobhan

2018 was an incredible year! Packed with so many firsts: finishing my first year at Covenant, surviving my first two semesters of college chemistry, helping my family with our first cross country move, my first restaurant job experience, my first time living in my own apartment at Covenant, and many first traditions and celebrations in my beautiful new home in Alabama. I am so incredibly grateful for the countless ways God has worked in my life this past year. He has so clearly been in control of all of the major changes our family has gone through and has orchestrated them perfectly in HIS timing! I cannot wait to see what 2019 holds for us ðŸ˜Š❤️

Happy 2019, Everyone!

Rocket City Marathon (Megan)

 For my 40th birthday, my family gave me the gift of a marathon. Ethan woke up before dawn to train with me. Braving the elements, fighting off nasty dogs, and dodging dead armadillos and coyotes on our long runs was par for the course. I'm so thankful for a family who indulges my crazy whims and loves me unconditionally.