Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Our Trip To The Library! By: Sis Age: 8

We went to the library yesterday!
We were really excited!
(It was another story-hour that we think was the best of all because we've been to all the others!)
We quickly finsished school and hurried up to get to the library!
Mom got a coffee on the way and munchkins for us and then she got milk!
After when we got there we hurried quickly!
We went over there and the librarian told us to wash our hands!
After that she pulled out 3 Dr. Seuss recipes and then she took out the first one!
The recipe called for some juice and some soda!
We poured them in 8 cups and then moved on to the next recipe!
All we had to do was pour Strawberry Yogurt on a plate and put strawberries on the side!
After that we took out the next recipe!
The little cakes you can get at the store to make Strawberry Shortcakes with we took those out and we put Pudding in the middle and took caramel sauce!
Then we put grapes on the top of the caramel sauce!
(The caramel sauce makes the grapes stick!)
We ate all of the recipes which everybody loved while the librarian read us 2 Dr. Seuss stories!
Then we grabbed a couple of books and we went home happy!
By: Sis Age: 8

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What A Sunny Day Out Side! By: Sis Age: 8

WOW! It was really sunny out-side yesterday!
I got all my school done and Mom said we could go for a walk!
We were very excited!
Mama's Baby wanted to go out and ride his bike Mom said that we were just going to go for a walk!
He said "OK!" And grabbed his boots and his snow pants!
Then we got all our stuff on and took our sled (it had a rope on it that we pulled it with!) which we pretended was a puppy and it was so hot out we took our hats and mittens off and ran into the puddles!
I just took the hats and mittens and threw them in the sled!
We laughed when we went through a deep puddle because the sled was just like a boat!
It didn't even scrape against the pavement!
We got on the snowdrifts and walked on them!
Mama's Baby was so happy because he loves walks!
He hasn't had one since last fall!
We jumped in puddles and stopped to run through them and then we came and went up to a little loop!
We saw a HUGE puddle and quickly ran through it and we made such a big splash Mama's Baby almost fell over!
We came up to a HUGE snowdrift!
We slid down the snowdrifts climbed up again and slid all over again!
It was really fun!
We did that and Buddy said "Why don't we go a little further?"
Everyone agreed and we went further!
After that Buddy wanted to head home and so all of us went home!
When we reached home we wondered how Mama's Baby could've gone that far?
It was about a 1 mile!
By: Sis Age: 8

Friday, February 22, 2008

Some Cute Quotes and Anecdotes...

I've been scribbling down some funny, sweet and shocking things the kids have come out with the past few weeks. Hope they put a smile on your face.

The other day, I got Baby Boy up from his nap. He stared at me with the most adoring expression, wrapped his arms around around my neck and said, "I loves you, Mommy!" That was the first time he told me that without any prompting.

Our mail lady is very particular about our shoveling habits. Many times she has withheld our mail when we haven't met her specific criteria. At first Sis was defensive of her and reminded us that she could hardly be expected to deliver our mail when she doesn't wear snowpants. Well, when Sis' birthday packages weren't delivered on time, she began to lose patience. The other day she went out to inspect our mailbox area and came back with the confident report that it looked just fine. She added, "Mommy, if the mail lady doesn't deliver today, then she is just making a point!"

We were visiting Grandma in the hospital a few weeks ago. I was telling her how great she looked. Buddy inspected her with concern and commented, "Actually, Grandma, I think you still look pretty terrible."

The kids have shown an unusual amount of interest in the upcoming Presidential election. They were especially curious to know who was their Daddy's first choice for a candidate. Upon hearing that he was a fan of Fred Thomson, Sis asked WHY Daddy didn't vote for him in our state's primary. Without pausing, she answered her own question... Oh, yeah; I know. Because, if you HAD voted for him, you would have been the only one!"

Sis and her cousin Mo were riding home from gymnastics. Mo said, "I sure can't wait to get home because I'm going to have a nice, hot shower." Sis answered, "Yeah, when I get home, I'm going to have a COLD bath." (Suffice it to say that our plumbing is still broken; even the kids are getting sick of baths!)...

We have started a sweet family tradition where we cozy up with an episode of "Little House on the Prairie" in the evenings. I like to lie on the couch with my head in Stephen's lap while the kids cuddle up around us. Even Baby Boy watches in rapt attention and babbles his own commentary now and then. Well, one night Stephen was working late, so Baby Boy took it upon himself to take his daddy's place. He sat in Stephen's spot, got a pillow, planted a kiss on my cheek and said, "Put you head in my lap, Mommy."

Buddy made up a silly rhyme about his dinner. Sis, without missing a beat, said, "Well, hello, Dr. Seuss! I don't believe we've met

Baby Boy is amazed by my growing belly. He refers to my tummy with the name we've chosen for our baby if it's a boy. Every now and then he'll ask me to "open it up" (meaning lift my shirt) and show him how big my tummy is getting. After a fit of giggles, he says, "Put it away, Mommy!"

Buddy was commenting on how he would treat the woman he'd marry some day. He referred to this mystery girl as "the one who would be a lover to me..." Where on earth did that come from?!?!

Stephen and Baby Boy have a special tradition where Daddy gives him bear hugs and Baby Boy laughs. When Stephen was in California, I tried my best to provide these hugs in his absence. Every time I squeezed him, Baby Boy would look at me and say, "It no works, Mama." As soon as Daddy returned, he greeted Baby Boy with a bear hug. Baby Boy grinned and said, "It worked!!"

Baby Boy tries to join in on our all of our "grown up" activities. First thing each morning, he puts on his sneakers and grabs his 1-pound dumbbells to "exseesize with Mommy!" It melts my heart to see how hard he tries to keep up with the various movements, swinging his little arms and saying, "forward and back, forward and back..." It reminds me of his Big Sis when she was that age. When she was barely 2, she'd do my Cindy Crawford workout video with me each day and, when we completed it, would comment, "No guilt today, Mommy!"

Baby Boy also likes to answer some of our Children's shorter catechisms during Bible time. He only knows 2 or 3 so far but enjoys the encouragement/praise that Buddy and Big Sis lavish upon him.

When we say our Pledge of Allegiance, Baby Boy runs for his little American flag and waves it for us. The other day, he shocked us by rattling off the beginning of the pledge with us. We had no idea that he had been listening that carefully! Now, if he can just learn his multiplication tables through observation, that would be great!

Baby Boy came downstairs and told me that the kids were doing their "Iddypendent work."

Baby Boy: "Mama! The snow plow makes me hyper!" (He meant scared)

Poor Baby Boy has had a viscious diaper rash. He keeps begging me to put "ice cream" on his bum. He means Desitin.

The other day, the kids were hunting for leaves in the snow. Baby Boy handed me this wispy, green thing and announced, "Izz a MONOCOT again!!" Those moments make homeschooling worth the tears and sweat!

The Truth Behind the Tale...

Stephen and Buddy really are planning to go ice fishing tomorrow with some guys from church. This will be Buddy's first fishing experience EVER, and he is so excited... I'm packing a special picnic lunch for them (complete with hot dogs they can grill outside). Their plan inspired Sis to write a "Tall Tale," one of her English assignments this week. She was encouraged to use exaggeration words, to hook her reader with her introduction, and to leave her reader asking a question at the end. I thought she did a great job.

Poor Baby boy keeps asking if he can go ice fishing too. He is in complete denial that this won't be possible and keeps talking confidently about their plans. Any mention that he is too small this year brings on a torrent of protests and tears. We'll have to think of a fun alternative plan at home. Maybe I'll even bring out the evil finger paints?!

Sis's Tall Tale By: Sis Age: 8

Buddy and Stephen Go Ice-Fishing
Buddy and Stephen went on the most extrordinary fishing trip of their lives.
Buddy was going to go fishing and was excited but he wished Stephen could go also.
(Stephen didn't have a license so he couldn't go. Buddy didn't need one.
"WOW!" Buddy said. "I can't wait!"
They were quietly driving having NO clue what they were going to have as an adventure that day . . .
They got there and set up their fishing stuff! Buddy put the bait on the hook and waited for 15 min. until all of the sudden there was a bite!
"WOW!" "Looks like a HUGE one!" Buddy said. But when he pulled it up there was a little tiny fish that quickly jumped under water. "Darn!" they both said at once.
They waited for a long time and went to look for a better spot.
It was amazing because as soon as they sat down they got a 'bite'!
Buddy pulled it up and instead of a fish there was a big Treasure Chest!
And in there was a HUGE container of fish and tools to get the scales off and directions!
There was Hot Cocoa also! They quickly hopped in the car and went back home!
The story was told and what could the others guess?
```````````````````````````THE END````````````````````````````````````````````
(How do you think the chest got there?
By: Sis Age: 8

Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Birthday Party (My=Sis) By: Sis Age: 8 now!

My birthday party ended up on my real birthday!
And best of all we had a sleepover party!
I turned 8 years old along with my cousin!
She turned 12!
We had lots of fun!
Mom and I made mac-and-cheese and then after that we made cup-cakes that were shaped like hearts because my birthday party was the day after Valentine's Day!
(The cup-cakes we were bringing for us to decorate at my party!)
After that we both made some Chocolate Chex Mix!
We both got ready and I got into my party dress and Mom put on my bow!
After that we got all of our stuff together!
Then we drove off to my Aunt's house!
When we got there we put in the Mac to bake and then we waited for my other cousin who hadn't arived yet.
Then after she arrived we all played in the rooms a little while and then blew up balloons and Grandma called us for a treausure hunt.
When we got the 1st clue we found a bag which Grandma said that along the way as we found favors that we could put them in the bag!
We found all the favors and finally it was my turn which was the last one and when I found the place instead of favors we found all of our b-day presents!
Then I got a Cinderella princess doll and a Snow White princess doll and now I have a full collection of all of my princesses that are as big as the size of Barbies!
That is 6 dolls now!
Then I got a huge pillow which was as big as me!
Then from Mama's Baby he gave me a gift-card!
And from Mom and Dad I got Kissables which will go perfectly with my gift-card!
(The gift-card is to get 1 kid movie at Movie Gallery!)
Then I got a hoola-hoop!
And I got a cool thing that looks like a calculator but is really a thing you can play word games on!
And then Grandma gave me Little House On The Prarie Season 2!
That's all the gifts!
I've played with them all already!
They are all great!
After that we had supper and we had lots of fun decorating cup-cakes!
Then everybody went home but only all the kids stayed who were staying for the sleepover!
We all went upstairs and changed into our PJ's and got our hearts that we had gotten as a favor!
We sat down and flipped the guide for Little House and finally found one that everybody wanted to watch!
We sat down and watched it then found a 2nd one and the rest of us played house while the others watched it!
We all got tired of playing and came down and picked another Little House!
Then we watched it and Aunt Krista came and watched the rest of it with us and when we looked at the clock it said 10:00!
We quickly rolled out our sleeping bags jumped in and went to sleep!
Then in the morning my little cousin and I were the only ones up so we quietly talked and whispered until we finally got up and got dressed!
Then we woke up my oldest cousin and we played school!
The others finally got up and we had muffins!
Then we got all our stuff togther and happily waited for our parents!

Also my other Grandma and Grandpa gave me a new Webkinz and a pretty new Bible!
Also a $1 bill!
THANKS, everyone!
By: Sis Age:8

Monday, February 4, 2008

A P.S. About Uncle Adam...

It was Stephen's final evening away on business, and my little brother, Adam, came to rescue me. The week had been more stressful than usual with the added responsibility of schooling and caring (around the clock) for 3 kids who desperately missed their daddy. On Wednesday, we decided to invite Uncle Adam over for chocolate chip pancakes and root beer floats. He spent some fun time with each of the kids and boosted our moods immensely. Sis told him that she was "SUPPOSED to find a famous person to interview for school" but that she guessed he would be okay. After dinner, the kids told him that they were going to watch an episode of "Little House on the Prairie." Without missing a beat, Adam started in on his side-splitting impersonations of all the characters from that show. Buddy especially was amazed by his ability to perfectly capture their personalities and voices.

Later that week, Adam told Buddy that he had a little surprise for him. It was a recording of him having a conversation with Mr. Edwards, Doc. Baker and Reverend Alden from "Little House." I popped the tape in the car for the kids and almost had to pull over I was laughing so hard. Buddy's reactions ranged from hysterical laughter to awed silence. It was so good it was almost freaky... We all agreed that the best part was when they locked out Reverend Alden so he wouldn't start in on his favorite tune, "Bringing In the Sheaves."

Tonight we're taking full advantage of Daddy's presence. I have begun our Bean and Corn study in Science, and Stephen and the kids are busily creating a makeshift balance for weighing the various seeds and sprouts. I told him that I could handle the rest of the experiments, but was not in the frame of mind to tackle this one after an 8 hour school day. Daddies are just plain more fun anyway.

We'll keep you posted on the progress of our little greenhouse and will plan to share some pictures along the way...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Uncle Adam, Our Friendly, Family Fishmonger


Little Known Facts About Uncle Adam By: Sis Age:7

(Left column Questions and Right column Answers!) (From Adam!)
Adam's Interview:

Job: Hannaford

Favortie Color: Blue

Favorite Month: May (Summer comes, soon!)

Favorite School Subject: English

Favorite Dessert: (s) Root Beer Floats and Brownie Sundaes

Favorite Resturant: Bugaboo Creek

Favorite Room in the House: Living Room

Favorite Book: Great Expectations (by Charles Dickens)

Favorite Movie: The Patriot

My Hobbies Are: Cartooning and Writing, and Weight-Lifting

My Pet Peeve: People talking loudly on cell-phones

I like People Who: Feed Me!

My Best Vacation Was: When I went to the Caribbean Islands

If I could go anywhere in the World I'd go to: Australia

My Words of Wisdom are: Peddle Slowly And Keep Your Shoes Tied!

Adam's Interview:
By: Sis Age: 7