Friday, February 22, 2008

Sis's Tall Tale By: Sis Age: 8

Buddy and Stephen Go Ice-Fishing
Buddy and Stephen went on the most extrordinary fishing trip of their lives.
Buddy was going to go fishing and was excited but he wished Stephen could go also.
(Stephen didn't have a license so he couldn't go. Buddy didn't need one.
"WOW!" Buddy said. "I can't wait!"
They were quietly driving having NO clue what they were going to have as an adventure that day . . .
They got there and set up their fishing stuff! Buddy put the bait on the hook and waited for 15 min. until all of the sudden there was a bite!
"WOW!" "Looks like a HUGE one!" Buddy said. But when he pulled it up there was a little tiny fish that quickly jumped under water. "Darn!" they both said at once.
They waited for a long time and went to look for a better spot.
It was amazing because as soon as they sat down they got a 'bite'!
Buddy pulled it up and instead of a fish there was a big Treasure Chest!
And in there was a HUGE container of fish and tools to get the scales off and directions!
There was Hot Cocoa also! They quickly hopped in the car and went back home!
The story was told and what could the others guess?
```````````````````````````THE END````````````````````````````````````````````
(How do you think the chest got there?
By: Sis Age: 8

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