Monday, July 30, 2007

The Adventure of Losing my Tooth (by Buddy, age 5)

Sis was doing Typing Instructor for Kids.
I (Buddy) pushed my tooth all the way back!!!!
Then I tryed again!!!!!
Then PoP!
Out came the tooth!!!!!
I thought I broke it!!!!
(I did not really though)
I was excited I had lost my tooth!!!!!
I ran upstairs to show dad!!!!
Then the tooth fairy came that night!!!!!
And I got a letter!!!!!
And A box of pills that if you put them in water they turned into animals!!!!!
I got a dollar with it!!!!
And that is the story of Buddy losing his tooth!!!!
By Buddy Age 5 (Typed by Sis)

Our Summer with our friends!!!!!!! by Sis (age 7)

We had a fun summer!!!!!
It just seems to short!!!!
We have a lot of our school books for this year!!!!
We home school!!!!!
Mom gets a lot of school books from Paper Back Book Swap!!!!!
We have gotten lots of books!!!!
We have gotten a few books just for fun!!!!!!
We have had a lot of fun things happen this summer!!!!
It has not been an ocean type one though!!!!
We have had a lot of fun!!!!!
We had friends visit!!!!
Joley and David!!!!!
And Joel and Chalice!!!!!
They live in California!!!!!!!
Joley is moms cousin!!!!
We liked having Chalice who is a baby 8 months I think!!!!!
She was the cutest thing!!!!!!
I want a baby sister!!!!
Anyway they came and they stayed at our cousins house for 7 days!!!!
Thats a week!!!!

But Joel was sick when he visited our houses so he could not have good stuff!!!!!
And thats no fun!!!!!!
And they left and then he was better that day so that was good but what was not good
was that Mama's baby got it a week later!!!!
And Great Grandma is visiting us for a bit!!!!!
And on the day when everyone came to see her at Our Grandmothers house we did a play
for her!!!!!
It was Cinderella!!!!!!
Me Sis I was a Stepsister!!!!!
Buddy was the prince!!!!!
And Mama's Baby was not anything but a distraction!!!!!!!
My cousin MOMO was a stepsister as well!!!!!!!
And the oldest in the play Lyd was the Narrator!!!!!
And Lynny was the stepmother!!!!!
And my little cousin was the princess Cinderella!!!!!
And it turned out to be a great play!!!!!!!!!
Everybody loved it!!!!!!
It was a very fun play!!!!!
Yesterday at our cousin's house we did a sewing lesson with our Great Grandma!!!!!
It was fun!!!!
We sewed a bookmark!!!!!
It was a elephant!!!!!
We glued it and then sewed it!!!!
What I did after it was glued was I sewed on the eyes they were buttons!!!!
And they were not glued!!!!
And after I sewed them on I sewed on little horn shaped things!!!!!
I sewed them on as Xs!!!!!!
Mom sewed 1 though cause the string got tangled!!!!!!
It is a pain when the string gets tangled!!!!
And then I sewed around the hat and then I glued hearts on the back to cover the sewing!!!!
And then we were done!!!!!
And Great Grandma gave us black dog shaped licorace!!!!!!
And my cousin MOMO did not like hers so she told me to close my eyes and open my mouth!!!!
And she gave me hers!!!!
She was being really nice!!!!!!!
And we went to Beech Hill Farm yesterday!!!!
Me Sis and our cousins And Buddy and Mama's Baby got a picture with Great Grandma!!!
It was really fun!!!!
We hope we will be able to write more on this site and make more memories!!!!!
By SiS Our Summer with our friends!!!!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Summary of Our Field Trips (2006-2007)

It has been great to revisit old pictures from this past school year. We had the opportunity to visit so many neat places! From a guided tour through Canterbury Shaker Village, to a trip to Odiorne Point (a Seacoast Science Center) to a step back in time at Heritage NH, to a show/activities at the Planetarium on the "spring night sky" to apple picking and learning about maple syrup to a Medieval Feat (where the children "jousted" and recited their Latin Prayer before a group) to some hands on "farm fun" at Remick Museum... We are thankful for our homeschool network and the great opportunities to combine fun and learning.

Our winter activities have included participating in a homeschool bowling league and taking gymnastics lessons. We can hardly wait to begin classes at our homeschool enrichment center. Buddy will be taking a World Cultures/cooking class, and Sis will be taking art (history as well as hands-on). The kids also plan to be in the annual homeschool drama which depicts the life of William Tyndale. I will be assisting the director with the youngest actors, our court jesters. :)

Monday, July 23, 2007

What's With The Name?

I've been homeschooling my kids for 3 years. Last fall we embarked on a new academic adventure and took our first Latin course. The kids got a kick out of one of their vocabulary words, Alma Mater. Alma Mater (while referring to a school) literally means "nurturing mother." They quickly attributed this title to me. After all, I am both mother and school to these little ones. ;) It is a daunting honor to be responsible for the nurturing of these children's bodies, minds and spirits. I pray daily that God will give me wisdom and endurance.