Monday, July 23, 2007

What's With The Name?

I've been homeschooling my kids for 3 years. Last fall we embarked on a new academic adventure and took our first Latin course. The kids got a kick out of one of their vocabulary words, Alma Mater. Alma Mater (while referring to a school) literally means "nurturing mother." They quickly attributed this title to me. After all, I am both mother and school to these little ones. ;) It is a daunting honor to be responsible for the nurturing of these children's bodies, minds and spirits. I pray daily that God will give me wisdom and endurance.


Kristine said...

Great job, Megan! I can't wait to read more!


Sørina Higgins said...

Megan, this is lovely. I'm glad that you have your kids post on here, too. It's a great idea to give them a place to write, to teach them some online skills & internet safety, etc. I look forward to watching them develop; maybe this will make me feel more in touch with you & your daily life. Thanks!