Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Birthday Party (My=Sis) By: Sis Age: 8 now!

My birthday party ended up on my real birthday!
And best of all we had a sleepover party!
I turned 8 years old along with my cousin!
She turned 12!
We had lots of fun!
Mom and I made mac-and-cheese and then after that we made cup-cakes that were shaped like hearts because my birthday party was the day after Valentine's Day!
(The cup-cakes we were bringing for us to decorate at my party!)
After that we both made some Chocolate Chex Mix!
We both got ready and I got into my party dress and Mom put on my bow!
After that we got all of our stuff together!
Then we drove off to my Aunt's house!
When we got there we put in the Mac to bake and then we waited for my other cousin who hadn't arived yet.
Then after she arrived we all played in the rooms a little while and then blew up balloons and Grandma called us for a treausure hunt.
When we got the 1st clue we found a bag which Grandma said that along the way as we found favors that we could put them in the bag!
We found all the favors and finally it was my turn which was the last one and when I found the place instead of favors we found all of our b-day presents!
Then I got a Cinderella princess doll and a Snow White princess doll and now I have a full collection of all of my princesses that are as big as the size of Barbies!
That is 6 dolls now!
Then I got a huge pillow which was as big as me!
Then from Mama's Baby he gave me a gift-card!
And from Mom and Dad I got Kissables which will go perfectly with my gift-card!
(The gift-card is to get 1 kid movie at Movie Gallery!)
Then I got a hoola-hoop!
And I got a cool thing that looks like a calculator but is really a thing you can play word games on!
And then Grandma gave me Little House On The Prarie Season 2!
That's all the gifts!
I've played with them all already!
They are all great!
After that we had supper and we had lots of fun decorating cup-cakes!
Then everybody went home but only all the kids stayed who were staying for the sleepover!
We all went upstairs and changed into our PJ's and got our hearts that we had gotten as a favor!
We sat down and flipped the guide for Little House and finally found one that everybody wanted to watch!
We sat down and watched it then found a 2nd one and the rest of us played house while the others watched it!
We all got tired of playing and came down and picked another Little House!
Then we watched it and Aunt Krista came and watched the rest of it with us and when we looked at the clock it said 10:00!
We quickly rolled out our sleeping bags jumped in and went to sleep!
Then in the morning my little cousin and I were the only ones up so we quietly talked and whispered until we finally got up and got dressed!
Then we woke up my oldest cousin and we played school!
The others finally got up and we had muffins!
Then we got all our stuff togther and happily waited for our parents!

Also my other Grandma and Grandpa gave me a new Webkinz and a pretty new Bible!
Also a $1 bill!
THANKS, everyone!
By: Sis Age:8

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