Confucius vs. James
Confucius writes that, "The gentleman is said to be slow in speech and brisk in action." Ch. 2 Vs. 24
James writes in James 1:19, "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and should not get angry easily."
Confucius suggests that we are to be slow to speak and quick to act. I don't think James is encouraging the same thing. James is saying that we are to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. If we are "brisk in action" as Confucius says to be, then we might do something in haste without thinking about it. That often triggers the other person to say something back. We are acting according to our own desires. James teaches that we should act according to God's word. Here are some passages that explain that:
James 2:8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing well.
James 2:10: for whoever keeps the whole law but fails at one point has become accountable for all of it.
Confucius and Jame's sayings are similar in some ways because both teach that we should be slot to speak. Confucius is trying to point out that we should be slow to speak. Confucius is trying to point out that we should be slow to speak, but if we are brisk in action then that might mean we aren't giving enough thought to what we're doing. James' advice is to really think about how we respond and what out actions accomplish before we respond. If we aren't careful we might hurt someone.
If you put a gentleman (according to Confucius), and a godly man (according to James) side by side you would see a lot of differences in their character. For example, a godly man is living according to God's word and the Confucian gentleman is living to please himself and display his goodness and draw attention to his behavior.
By: Stella
Age: 9 1/2
Grade 5
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