Sunday, October 23, 2011


Tert (age 3) is starting to come out with the cutest, most heartfelt prayers...

"Thank you for Jesus washing away our sins and then giving them back again."

"Mom, I'm struggling with this dinner."

They pray daily for a dear friend of mine who is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. I had to explain that her medicine made her lose her hair and that it causes her to feel pretty tired and sick. Recently Tert prayed that the doctors would PLEASE give her treatments to someone else.

Tert - "Mom, I want Aunt Krista to come and visit us."

Me - "That would be nice. I miss her."

Tert - "Yeah, me three..."

Rus (age 6) -

"Mom, how do you spell Google?"

"It's such a blessing to be born into a covenant family!"

"My race track was neat, but the best birthday gift was spending the whole day with my family and having Daddy home."

"Mom, these vitamins are gluten free!"

Me - "Rus, you're getting to be a MUCH better eater these days!"

Rus (with a sly twinkle in his eye) - "Yup, that's because you're getting to be a MUCH better cook!"

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