Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hair aka Filia :-) Pictures and Captions By: Stella

HAIR! Filia's hair is too adorable :-) I take so many pictures of her and spend so much time sitting in a chair with my little sister in front of me, combing and brushing out her pretty waves of silky blonde hair.  She usually complies to my putting in elastics without much resistance, sometimes not though, and then I have to stop :-P However, she ALWAYS loves having her hair brushed, if not put up...

THEREFORE...the pictures....

Filia always complies to my taking many pictures though! She has to, because I am constantly trailing behind her and taking pictures faster than anything...
Groggy in the morning...LOL!  Just too cute :)

Hanging out right outside of Tissy's room...

...and INSIDE! :-) 
Okay, now I couldn't get enough of this outfit :-)
 Filia is convinced that my bed is WAYYY better than her own. :-D
LOVE that smile :-D
OOOHHHH! Now let's see what trouble I can cause...

AHHH! Ripping the pictures off my wall...

Time out :-) 
I don't get many times when I have my little sister 'peacefully' lying in one place! So I took advantage of this (as usual ;) ) by taking a bunch of pictures...

Our beautiful little fairy princess!

Hair aka Filia :-)
 Pictures and Captions By: Stella

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