~The Chicken Saga~
If you start a flock of chickens, you are in for quite the ride. Your first chickens will be greeted with mixed responses from your nine children. The older boys are sure to be annoyed at the prospect of a flock of small creatures taking over the backyard and interfering with their landscaping. The nine year old will be overjoyed and promptly start reading a book called, “How to Talk To Chickens.” He will meticulously research every element of their care, proudly posting a small novel of foods the chickens can and cannot eat on the fridge. The twins will be ecstatic, immediately naming and adopting the birds as their pets.
If you start a flock of chickens, it will be a learning experience for all of you! The twins will learn that it is never a good idea to bring chickens on the rope swing. Even more importantly, they will learn never to bring Checkers the Chicken on the trampoline. The oldest will learn how to have life or death discussions with the little ones after Checker’s tragic demise. It will go something like this:
Baxter: “Siobhan, do chickens go to Heaven?”
Cade: “No, Baxter!! They don’t have the Holy Spirit!”
Baxter: “No Cade, it’s because they don’t have saving faith!”
They will also realize that even though Siobhan is a nurse, she doesn’t have a bag of magic life spray to bring poor Checkers back to the land of the living. Sadly, one by one your little flock will dwindle as predators get into the coop. One lone chicken will hold her own, and the kids will name her “Oreo” and give her the best of care.
If you start a flock of chickens, you will find yourself with a brood of baby chicks, peeping at all hours of the day. Even those most strongly against the idea of chickens will begin to be won over by the little balls of fluff that take over the boys’ bedroom. Before you know it, they will be ready to go outside to their new coop, meticulously cleaned and secured by Brandan.
If you start a flock of chickens, you will discover that they each have their own personality. The kids will name them accordingly. Chatterbox, Lightning, Long-neck, and faithful old Oreo will become the favorites. When Lightning hurts her foot, Brandan will gently feed her by hand, bathe her, and set her up in the garage with a warm, cozy bed and all the vegetable scraps and pieces of bread he can gather for her. It is heartwarming to see his love and devotion, and no chicken could have asked for better care!
If you start a flock of chickens, there are sure to be heartbreaking moments as well. When you come home from church one Sunday to the news that your flock was attacked by neighborhood dogs, the kids will be heartbroken. Your teens will search high and low and find two lone survivors. Little Longneck will come running back, and the kids will welcome him with joyful tears and royal treatment. Best of all, dear, unstoppable Oreo will come home to open arms, pieces of sourdough, and lots of gentle hugs.
If you start a flock of chickens, you are in for a lot of highs and a lot of lows. There is nothing like the excitement of seeing your little birds grow up before your eyes, and there is nothing like the devastation of losing them. Still, the faithful devotion the little ones have to their dear pets is a beautiful thing. They will never give up on their little flock and will always be there to welcome them back home.
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