Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Some More Quotes

Twin pregnancy has opened up a whole new world of indignities.  On Monday I got stuck in my parking space at the doctor's office, unable to open the door wide enough to squeeze my belly through.  Yesterday I zipped my winter coat for the last time, much to the amusement of my 14 year old who agreed that I resemble Winnie the Pooh.  And today I pulled out my swollen, purple calves as a dramatic visual for my science lesson on vascular plants.  All I can say is that these little guys owe their mama big time!  :)  These challenges are tempered by the kids' eager anticipation of the twins' arrival.  Brandan often lifts my shirt, asking if he can talk to the babies.  Last night, he saw my tummy and said with the most tender sympathy and reassurance, "Ohhh, Mom...You're okay..."  Another time he watched his twin brothers rolling around in my tummy, and he said, "It's a chicken in there!"

Connor was flipping through his biography on Charles Lindbergh and, when he saw the picture of the Eiffel Tower, he announced, "Spoiler alert!  Now we KNOW he's going to make it across the Atlantic!"

Shaila - "Mom, it's not like I HATE you, but God loves you SO much more than I do.  He loves us SOOOOO much, even with our sin!"

"The Holy Spirit lives deep in your heart, even deeper than the TWINS!"

Someone asked Shaila if she had said goodnight to me.  Her answer was, "Yes, MULTIPLE times!"

Last night Brandan crawled into bed with me while I was reading.  He was in a chatty mood and asked me a string of questions.  Among them was, "Is this your bed, Mom?  And does Dad live here?"

It was about a hundred degrees in our house yesterday, and Brandan was feeling compassionate toward his hugely pregnant mother, too limp to move from the rocking chair.  Dripping with sweat, he offered the only comfort he could come up with, "Mom, I can keep your tummy warm if you want!"

Brandan has proven to be our most verbal 2 year old boy.  We often have to stifle our giggles when he misspeaks because he flies into a tearful rage if he thinks anyone is laughing at him.  Here's a sampling of his cutest mistakes...

He was holding up his Bert doll (an unfamiliar character since he doesn't watch Sesame Street).  He looked confused and asked, "Mom is this called BURP or DIRT?"
"Mom, Cora is making a RABBIT out there!"  (meant racket)
On the way to church this morning, the boys were commenting on an "awesome audi," and Brandan repeated, "Did you say you SAW THE MAIL LADY?"

I recently finished a fantastic book called "Teaching From Rest" which reminded me that a RIGOROUS education can quickly slip from excellence to into imbalance.  The author pointed out that rigor comes from the same Latin root as rigor mortis - literally "approaching education with the stiffness of death."  : /  The other day I realized I might need to relax a little when Ethan came to me after a long school day, exasperated.  He said, "Mom, I've been working hard all day, but I just don't know how I'm going to fit in writing my Progymnasmata in the style of Virgil!"


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