Friday, April 8, 2016

Aidan's Internet Essay

I am really pleased with the improvement in Rus's writing this year.  He is working diligently through the "Radar, Rockets, and Robotics" Institute for Excellence in Writing program, demonstrating his dad's aptitude for all things technical.  Here is his most recent essay, including stylistic techniques and dress-ups.

The Invention that Changed the World
                [3]Amazingly, the sophisticated invention that has changed the world more than anything else is the internet.  [4]According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the number of internet users has gone up from 1% to 40% between  1995 and 2016. The internet has changed employment. It has changed learning. The Internet has changed communication. The impact it has made on people’s lives is mind boggling.
                The internet has quickly changed the way people learn.[3] Amazingly, the library, which used to be the place where people found the information they needed, is being replaced by this powerful tool. [1]Google is where many people find information. Even my 94 year old grandmother said “you don’t need a brain if you have a google.” [4]Using the internet, students can take courses and even achieve college degrees. The internet has transformed how students learn.
In addition to  impacting learning, the Internet had affected employment. One thing it has changed for the better  is the communication between bosses and employees. Bosses can communicate with employees easily, which can be very important, using the internet.[1] Job searches can be carried out much more efficiently with the internet than without it. [3]Amazingly, people can effortlessly apply for jobs. Working from home has become an option with the internet. The internet has Improved the way people work.
                Internet searches have significantly changed learning and employment, and social media through the internet has affected communication. People can stay in touch with hundreds of “friends,” which may seem ridiculous, with social media. Since you do not need to use careful grammar with short text messages sent back and forth, the internet has greatly affected how people speak. Slang has become the norm. The quality of communication has changed greatly with so many people using the internet.
                The Internet has changed so many things from working and learning to communication. The internet has changed some things for the better, but it has also made some negative changes in people’s lives. We can say that the internet deserves to be called the invention that changed the world.

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