~School Year ABC's~
This year we decided to do something a little different for our end of the school year photos. We got the inspiration for this idea from Mom's friend Crystal. This school year has had so much packed into it, that we are going to take it once letter at a time! I am including links to the places we visited and also to blog posts that correspond with all of the pictures. Enjoy!
A is for Atomic Structures
...which Brandan ate afterwards :P
B is for Baseball (Rus' favorite sport)
C is for Cousins and Chilling with Carter
C is for Childlocks, which Can't stop Brandan
D is for DI and advancing all the way to the Global tournament!
E is for Explorers to 1815, Rus' online history program
F is for Family
F is for Fieldtrips...to the Montshire
...to the Currier Art Museum
...to the Belknap Mill
...to the Christa Mcauliffe Planetarium
G is for Groundhog Day and six more weeks of winter :(
H is for Homework
I is for Instant Challenges, like fitting an entire DI team into one piece of paper
J is for Jumping on the trampoline
K is for Kerosene consumption, one of Lux's many antics
L is for Lupoid Onychodystrophy which is a very rare immune disease (Cora, our black lab, is the only dog in the entire town to get it :/)
L is for 'Lim' which is Brandan's name for our cousin, Elim, who did school with us this year
M is for Mom's first Marathon
N is for Noodles
O is for Omnibus (Reformation to Present) and the 40 classics we studied
Q is for Quiet Time
R is for Regional Meals (This one is our Southern Regional Meal)
S is for Spring!
T is for Thanksgiving
and T is for Trolls
U is for Understood Besty, Tert's favorite book
V is for Valentine's Day
W is for Winter
X is for X-rays
Y is for Yardwork
Z is for Zero Days of School...Summer: here we come!
To see our Back to School post for 2014-15, click here.
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