Thursday, December 31, 2015

Exploring Veterinary Program (Leo)

~Exploring Veterinary Medicine~

     For many years, I have had a passion for animals, and have decided to pursue veterinary medicine.  Recently, I joined a veterinary group, founded by the Exploring Organization.  Exploring is designed to give high school students career experiences in certain fields.  This particular group is hosted by Weare Veterinary Hospital and led by a veterinarian there.  In addition to other benefits of Exploring,  leadership skills are taught through the leadership board composed of the participants.  During one of our first meetings, elections were held for the positions of President, in charge of overseeing the group, Program Vice President, responsible for initiating and coordinating field trips, Administrative Vice President, responsible for the program logistics, and Secretary and Treasurer, a combined position in charge of taking minutes and responsible for finances.  I ran for Program Vice President and was elected to the position.  Thus far, we have discussed the job descriptions of different veterinary positions, been taught how to perform exams on both dogs and cats, been shown how to take and assess blood samples and other tests, taken a full tour of an emergency hospital, and had a lecture from the ophthalmologist there.  Most recently, I shadowed a veterinarian and technician at Weare Animal Hospital from 8:00-11:00 and observed a Great Dane neuter.  I look forward to future opportunities in this incredible program

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