Tuesday, December 10, 2013

DI DENTAL By: Leo Age: 8 Grade: 3

This Year I did DI!
DI is a team sport in wich minumum two people are involved.I think the most fun part was the end when we were able to work together at
regionels! Regionels is a fun place were we do many fun things such as the cake walk.This is when they
have twenty five number-squares in a circle,and twenty five contestents are aloud in
for 25 cents.They have the contestents are told to dance when they here music when
the music stops you have to hop to the closest square.They will pick a number and,if you are on the number they choose you get to pick a cake!!This year our team got a cake!Another fun thing to do is watching other teams perform,I think improv is
amazing.YOU HAVE TO MAKE THINGS UP ON THE SPOT!!!!Another type of chalenge is YOU'RE GONNA FLIP.This is the chalenge our team chose.Were requiered to *present an original story dramitizing how a person experiences a flip(change of view)about someone or something.Construct and feature atleast one puppet as a charecter in the story.Create a piece of live visualart.Two sidetrips and intergrate them into the story.You get 8 minutes to present your performence.Your team budget $125 US.Our story was about a girl who did not like brushing her teeth FLIP she is convinced
when she learns she has cavities.After our presentation we go to the cafe to eat.A while later we played outside.When I was outside I played football with Hannah and Elisa(two of the girls on the team) and another boy.I also played soccer with the rest of the team.My DI DENTEL TEAMMATES' NAMES ARE JAMES,STELLA,JACOB,ELISA,JOSH,HANNAH,AND ME (LEO).The last and most exciting part is the awards seromony where your team is scored.Our team was 6th place out of nine!!I think DI is very benificial in teaching teamwork well i will se you next TIME!!!

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