Happy Valentine's Day, Stella (my almost-12 year old girl)! You are such a delight to me. I appreciate the countless ways you help and encourage me each day, and I always look forward to our special "girl times" when we read, cook, shop, listen to Elsie or just chat together. I love you so much and look forward to our birthday date tomorrow night. oxox
Happy Valentines Day, Leo! I'm so glad I get to spend every day with you as your 5th grade teacher. I love your sense of humor and the way that we both crack up when something strikes us funny at the same time. You are an awesome big brother and a HUGE help to me and Dad. I love you very much!
Happy Valentine's Day, Rus! One of my favorite times of each day is when we read together. You are a DELIGHT to teach, and you encourage me so often with all of your great big hugs and kisses. I'm so thankful that you still fit in my lap. I hope that you had a fun Valentine's Day!!
Happy Valentine's Day, my youngest son,Tert! You bring so much laughter and fun to our days and can always make me smile, no matter how tired or busy I am. I LOVED the special Valentine's show that you and the kids put on for us today. Your songs were great. I love you!
Happy Valentines Day, my sweet little Filia! You have grown so much this year and become such an important part of our family. Your big sis often asks me how we ever got along without you. It was so much fun to see you enjoy Valentine's Day now that you are a "big girl" and could eat chocolate with the rest of us. :)
And last but not least...Happy Valentine's Day to you, Stephen! Today I thought back over the Valentine's Days we have shared. On our first Valentine's Day, we were counting down the last two weeks until our wedding. And the following year I went into labor with baby Stella! I never could have imagined that these past 13 years together would hold so much adventure and joy. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, for caring for us so faithfully, and for being the best friend I could ever hope for. I love you!
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