Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Couldn't resist a couple more...

There's so much cuteness packed into his 3 year old body...

Rus saw Mommy putting on her makeup and asked what I was doing.

Mommy, "Oh, I'm just trying to look like a princess. DO I look like a princess?"

"No, you look like a Mom."

"You're trying to potty train me, but it isn't doin' good, right?"
Rus exclaimed, "We're going downstairs?! That's incredible!! You're kidding!"

Every now and then Rus will still ask to nurse for old time's sake, and I distract him with a different/age-appropriate activity. The other day, I suggested everything I could think of to no avail (reading, singing, playing, etc.) The only thing that got his mind off wanting to nurse was when I suggested that we floss our teeth. Then he hopped up and said, "Oh sure! Let's go!!"

After our first outing to the park this spring, he said, "Mommy, let's not go back to that place. It's REALLY freaky!"
Mommy asked her little son, "Can you help me, honey?" He answered, "No, that's not my job, Mom. That's YOUR job."

"I want to make "FIRE, AIM PEE!"

"When I'm older, I'm going to call my Daddy STEPHEN."

And a couple from my biggest boy...

After reading about WW2, the older boys came up with their own makeshift gas masks. Buddy (Leo) explained, "Mom, this is our breathing apparatus!"

Buddy (Leo) asked about President Obama's postion on abortion. Then he asked, "Well, what about DIVORTION?"

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