Friday, September 25, 2020

Family Pictures 2020 (Siobhan)

~Family Pictures~

A huge thank you to Joel and Amber Photography for taking our family pictures this year!!

Aidan (10th grade, 14)
Ethan (College Sophomore, 19)
Brandan (2nd Grade, 7)

Baxter (Preschool, 4)
Cade (Preschool, 4)
Shaila (5th Grade, 9)
Connor (7th Grade, 12)
Siobhan (College Senior, 20)
Owen (10 months)

Rock Rivers, Snakes, and Yucca Fries! (Siobhan)


~Alma Mater Academy~

There is never a lack of activity once the school year starts!! Here are some pictures of some of the fun projects we have been working on...
Baxter and Cade are loving preschool! When studying the letter 'D for Dinosaur' they made these pudding cups with oreos and malt ball rocks.

Letter jumping
Baxter and Cade have been working hard on their catechism questions. They were very proud to share them with you all :)

Shaila had her first meeting for American Heritage Girls last week! The girls have had to adapt to social distancing this year and changes due to COVID, but they have been doing a wonderful job. Shaila loved decorating her "sit upon" paint bucket, which holds all her materials, clipboard, and handbook.
Mom and I are volunteering as leaders this year. It's going to be a lot of fun!
The girls' first group activity was making a beautiful rock river at Big Springs Memorial Park. The girls hauled rocks and painted them with inspirational messages for the community. Their troop got to take pictures with the major, and they even made the front page of a local newspaper!

Everyone was happy to help Shaila paint rocks to add to her project!

For those of you who don't know, Ethan got a ball python a few months ago. Owen absolutely loves her!
Brandan made our second regional meal! South American chicken, fried okra, and yucca fries.

Shaila and Brandan love their science class! For this project they drew pictures of what they thought dogs would look like based on the strands of DNA that they put together!
I hope you all are having a great school year!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Our First Weeks Back to School (Siobhan)


~Our First Weeks Back~

The kids have had a great first couple of weeks back to school! Thankfully homeschooling doesn't look too different for us this year. Unfortunately Co-Op has been cancelled for this semester, but so far Aidan and Connor have been able to do basketball, and Shaila starts soccer this week. Ethan and I are still plugging away at our online classes!
The twins love their Letter of the Week curriculum. They are very proud of their coconut tree and were so excited when Mom bought them a real coconut!
Science experiments are always fun! The kids have been studying genetics and made their own DNA model and extracted DNA from some strawberries.

Through Dad's work, everyone was able to visit the Huntsville Botanical Gardens! It was a great Saturday fieldtrip.

We hope you all are doing well as you start this new semester. If you'd like to read my posts about nursing school, click here to read my nursing blog!