Saturday, November 7, 2015

Beech Hill Farm: Johnny Appleseed Festival (Siobhan)

~Beech Hill Farm Festival~

We recently went to Beech Hill Farm's annual Johnny Appleseed Festival. It was so much fun! There was free ice cream, apple cider, face painting, games, and more.  

 Everyone loved the ice cream sundaes. 
Fresh Apple Cider!
Everyone always loves seeing the animals when we go to Beech Hill. Our favorites are the goats.

Pumpkin Carving 2015 (Siobhan)

~Pumpkin Carving~

This year we had a lot of pumpkins, so we decided to do a bunch of different carvings on them. 

Pumpkin Painting

 Little Lux and Filia couldn't do a whole lot of carving, so they drew on their pumpkins with paint markers. 

Pumpkin Drilling

Leo and I decided to drill designs on our big white pumpkin.
 We cut off the top, and the kids helped us hollow out the pumpkin.
 Next, we used a medium size drill bit to drill holes in a ring around the top of the pumpkin.
Tip: Make a stencil for the holes on the side and the flowers.
We made big and small holes in rows down the side of the pumpkin. 
Our big holes used a HUGE drill bit! For the flowers, we made small holes around one medium hole. 
---Ethan and Siobhan's Pumpkin---

 Pumpkin Faces

Aidan, Connor, and Shaila all drew designs for faces. Dad helped them carve their pumpkins.
Aidan's Pumpkin
Rus and Dad cut out one triangle eye, one circular eye, and a smile with triangle teeth.
Connor's Pumpkin
Tert and Dad cut out two triangle eyes and a smile with square teeth. Then they drilled two nostrils in with a very small drill bit.
 Shaila's Pumpkin
Filia and Dad cut out two crescent eyes, a triangle nose, and a smile with one square tooth.

Fall Leaf Garland Craft (Siobhan)

~Fall Leaf Garland Craft~

My favorite thing about living in NH is the gorgeous fall foliage we get to enjoy every year. We had some beautiful leaves this fall, and Shaila asked me to make a fall garland with her. Here's how we did it...
Yarn or String
First, cut a small piece off of a straw.
Next, tape it onto the back of a leaf.
Take some yarn and thread it through the straw. Make a knot, so it doesn't fall off. Repeat!

This craft is super easy, but very pretty! 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Current Events Report: True Happiness (Siobhan)

Image result for writing

~Current Events Report~

This is a current events report I wrote for an Omnibus V assignment. The theme is true happiness. 

        This article is titled ‘In the Thick of It.’ It is from WORLD magazine.  The article is about Joni Eareckson Tada, who has been a quadriplegic since she was a teenager.  
        Joni was devastated after her accident, and she implored her friends to help her end her life.  God changed her heart, and she says that she wrote her book, Joni, “"in the fight of my life. I'm in the thick of it, as they say, and honestly have no idea how long this struggle will continue or how and when it will be resolved." Later she commented: "I'm now enjoying many more good days than bad."  Joni was able to be content and truly happy, despite the agonizing pain she endured, and the shattering diagnosis of breast cancer.  
        One very moving section of the article reads: “One night she might awake at 2 a.m. in pain, unable to get comfortable. The next day she is sitting under a shady tree with the breeze blowing, overcome with the day's beauty: ‘This is what it means that hope never fails. Last night I was ready to throw in the towel and give it up. Today, it's a beautiful day.’”
        How did Joni remain faithful and content?  Today, we see people turning to many things in order to make themselves feel ‘happy.’  Yet depression and suicidal rates are very high in our nation, despite all of the pleasures America has to offer.  Where does Joni find this true happiness?  “Contentment ... has an internal quietness of heart that gladly submits to God in all circumstances.”  “He has chosen not to heal me, but to hold me. The more intense the pain, the closer His embrace.”  “Jesus went without comfort so that you might have it. He postponed joy so that you might share in it. He willingly chose isolation so that you might never be alone in your hurt and sorrow. He had no real fellowship so that fellowship might be yours, this moment. This alone is enough cause for great gratitude!”  Joni can be happy because she understands what it is to cling to God, the ultimate source of happiness.  True happiness does not result from fleeting earthly pleasures.  It results from trusting in God to work out His perfect plan in our life, which He promises will lead to eternal happiness with Him.  As Joni once said, “The weaker I am, the harder I must lean on God's grace; the harder I lean on him, the stronger I discover him to be, and the bolder my testimony to his grace."

Summa Theologica Position Paper (Siobhan)

~Position Paper~

This is a position paper I wrote for an Omnibus V assignment. It is based on themes found in the Summa Theologica by Saint Thomas Aquinas.
Assignment: Write a position paper on the following subject: Can God’s Existence Be Proved?
        St. Thomas believed that God’s existence can be proved.  I believe that is he absolutely correct.  There are overwhelming amounts of evidence that support this position, both inside and outside of Scripture.
       The first piece of evidence that we can find to prove God’s existence is the fact that we are even here on earth in the first place!  The universe HAD to start somewhere.  Robert Jastrow said, in describing the ‘Big Bang’: “"The seed of everything that has happened in the Universe was planted in that first instant; every star, every planet and every living creature in the Universe came into being as a result of events that were set in motion in the moment of the cosmic explosion...The Universe flashed into being, and we cannot find out what caused that to happen."  The only possible way to explain our entire universe coming into being is found in Genesis 1.
       Even if people can come up with supposed proof for the position that the universe exists apart from God’s sovereignty, they are still met with the significant problem of the delicate, perfectly uniform balance of every organism on this planet.  God did not have to create the world this way.  He created the world as a reflection of Himself, not as a reflection of the chaos and disorder sin creates.  Even after sin entered the world, we can still see enormous amounts of evidence for God’s sovereign authority over us and His Creation. 
        Apart from the creation of the world, we see evidence for God in our own thoughts and consciences.  A former atheist describes it this way: “I didn't realize that the reason the topic of God weighed so heavily on my mind, was because God was pressing the issue. I have come to find out that God wants to be known. He created us with the intention that we would know him. He has surrounded us with evidence of himself and he keeps the question of his existence squarely before us. It was as if I couldn't escape thinking about the possibility of God. In fact, the day I chose to acknowledge God's existence, my prayer began with, ‘Ok, you win...’ It might be that the underlying reason atheists are bothered by people believing in God is because God is actively pursuing them.”  C.S. Lewis had a similar experience: "...night after night, feeling whenever my mind lifted even for a second from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him whom I so earnestly desired not to meet. I gave in, and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed: perhaps, that night, the most dejected and reluctant convert in all of England."  God wants to make Himself known to us, because that is how he created us!  We were created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.  Even after we fell into sin, God had a plan to bring us back into this blissful state of perfect balance and order.  It can be argued that it takes MORE faith to be an atheist than it does to be a Christian, because there are so many unexplainable factors that work against the belief that there is no god.
        Christianity is different from any other religion.  Other religions have ways that their converts can merit salvation, through their own works.  They are uncertain and filled with doubts.  They try to tiptoe their way around sin and leave people with a feeling of emptiness and a longing for something more.  That ‘something’ can only be found in the Bible.  Jesus came to fully satisfy all of God’s requirements.  No other religion offers any prophet or messenger like that, who is willing to take all of the punishment his people deserve.  1 John 5:20 says: “And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding, in order that we might know Him who is true, and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.” 

        God does exist, and we can see proof of this in Scripture, in our hearts, and in His creation.  What a wonderful thing it is to know that we have a loving, heavenly Father, Who is ordaining all events in accordance with His will.  He is drawing His people to Himself, and one day we will be able to enjoy eternity with Him—finally living as we were meant to live. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Back to School Pictures 2015 (Siobhan)

~Back to School 2015~

-Alma Mater Academy-

This is our 12th year! Below I listed all our main subjects...
~Mater and Pater aka Professor and Principal~
 -Brandan aka Little Lux-
Brandan is in Preschool this year. He loves doing any school work Mom gives him! His favorite preschool activities are painting and his Do-A-Dot markers
 ~Shaila aka Filia~
Shaila is in Kindergarten this year. She loves it and is very excited to learn how to read! She is doing Veritas Press Phonics Museum with Mom. She also does Saxon Math K and astronomy with her brothers.
 -Connor aka Tert-
Connor is in 2nd Grade this year. His favorite subject is Latin! He is doing Saxon Math 2 and astronomy. He has also started Veritas Press Online History, which he loves.
 -Aidan aka Rus-
Aidan is in 5th Grade this year. He is doing Saxon Math 6/5 and Apologia Astronomy with Tert and Filia. He is doing Veritas Press Online History.
 -Ethan aka Leo-
Ethan is in 9th Grade this year. He is excited about studying veterinary medicine in college. He is doing Algebra 1 and Biology with Elim this year. For history, he is doing Omnibus I.
We are so excited to have Elim joining us again this year! She is in 9th Grade. Elim is doing Algebra 1/2 and Biology with Leo. She is doing Omnibus I for history.
 ~Siobhan aka Stella~
Siobhan is in 11th Grade this year. She is doing Advanced Math and Advanced Human Biology. For history, she is doing Omnibus V.