Report By: Stella
Some people, who don’t know the true nature of caterpillars, toss them aside as a nasty little pest. When people correct these misconceptions, they end up growing to love these fuzzy little creatures-which start as a tiny egg. It can take from three days to a whole winter for the egg to hatch. When hatched, caterpillars industriously weave silk. Because of dangers that can befall this tiny creature, every caterpillar has a means to protect itself, such as what look like eyes, or ‘intimidating’ striped patterns to scare off predators. In all, these hardworking little caterpillars are just the beginning of the butterfly cycle.
This is only stage one of the caterpillar’s metamorphosis. Caterpillars, who are eager to become butterflies, molt several times. After molting for the last time, the caterpillars become silent chrysalids. They hastily spin silk around themselves. If you are patient, in seven to ten days they emerge from their silky home. Because of your patience, you will see a marvelous sight- the arrival of another beautiful, breathtaking butterfly! The little caterpillars can in no way compare to the beauty of the butterfly!
The little caterpillar has patiently gone through all of the stages, and is now a butterfly! While there are many different kinds of butterflies, the most widely distributed butterfly is the dainty, painted-lady butterfly. Because of this butterfly’s graceful fortitude, the painted lady can shockingly peregrinate up to a thousand miles during her lifetime. This butterfly, who really is a fascinating insect, breathes through her abdomen, and she tastes with her feet! She is both beautiful and amazing with her black, white, and orange wings, and ten thousand eyes! The painted lady loves to feed on nectar, and fruits. The butterfly is dainty and fascinating, and a wonderful example of beauty in the world around us.
The caterpillar is just the beginning of its remarkable transformation into a butterfly, which is not just an interesting insect, but a breathtaking example of God’s love for beauty, and His love for us.
1. Butterfly Battle- Nancy White (Pgs. 27-28, 38-39, 47, 54-58)
2. About Bugs- Sheryl Scarborough (Pgs. 16-19)
3. “Insect Lore” Handout