Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fairy Princess

On October 8, we were blessed with our fifth child - a rosy, dimpled daughter whose name means "fairy princess." We decided that, after waiting 10 years for a little sister, Stella had earned the privilege of helping choose our baby's name. Our little one weighed in at 8 lb. 10 oz. and measured 21 inches. She has already brought so much joy to our family. With 5 young children, I'm finding it difficult to find spare moments to journal about our first week the way I would like to. For now I will share some pictures of our first week with her...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Letter from a Pilgrim by: Leo age: 9

I was assigned to write from a Pilgrim's perspective at the landing of the Mayflower in Plymouth. This is a letter from a man in Plymouth to his wife in England:

My dearest wife and children,

I'm most regretful I did not write sooner. How are things going about with you in
England? This ship we have sailed on held the occupants of well over 100. The Speedwell being not declared seaworthy, we were obliged to transfer all of its occupants to the Mayflower.I most sincerely regret to tell you that I am most deathly ill which is one of the reasons why I did not write sooner. All occupants have rested ashore since we have landed. These days have been hard ones. A good half of our crew is dead. We also have suffered many assaults of those wretched savages, one which we only won because the chief of the band happened to be fighting by a tree. A ball was shot, hit the tree he was by, and sent splinters flying up so near to his ear that he sent a cry up like a wounded dog and sent his troops on the run. I trust our Heavenly Father to sustain us through all and, as a word of encouragement, we met an Indian guide, One Tisquantum, and we have made peace with him and his neighboring tribe.

Your most faithful husband and father.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Just a few more quotes...

With Baby overdue, I'm frantically trying to complete my last minute nesting projects. I thought I'd transfer a couple of recent quotes from the post it notes on my fridge to my blog...

Once again, Tert takes the prize for the most funny quotes. Stephen and I enjoy so much laughter when this little boy is around. Most of it can only be captured with the video camera (like his husky voice when he is pretending to be an imaginary character, "Rocky," his knock-knock joke routine, his magic tricks complete with "Abba Dabba," and his "Cheeseburger" song from Veggie Tales, but here are a couple of cute things he has come out with lately...

"Mommy, I want you to DEAD that bug over there!"

"When our baby comes, she'll drink Mommy's coke." (means milk)

The other day, I gave him some bread in his high chair. The next thing I hear is a reverent, 2 year old's imitation of our communion liturgy ("Dis is my body given for you. Take it and eat it...") followed by a Cookie-Monster-style gobbling sound, "UMMM, YUMM, YUMMMM!"

A more touching moment occured when Rus brought me this beautiful picture he had painted and said, "Mom, this is for my cousin who is helping out at the battle." (He meant his Uncle Tom who was recently deployed). These young ones don't miss much of anything...