Hi all! This is Stella! I just wanted to give a little info. about the post below...
I was assigned to write about the Battle of Bunker Hill. This was an important battle in American history. One interesting fact is that the battle was not really fought on Bunker Hill. It was fought on Breed's Hill, but it is now know as the Battle of Bunker Hill.
I decided to write a paragraph in dialogue, but it is written from a perspective of a fictional character who was there-Amy Thompson.
"A university [or homeschool] is an alma mater, knowing her children one by one, not a foundry, or a mint, or a treadmill." John Cardinal Newman
Friday, January 28, 2011
Battle of Bunker Hill
Amy Thompson's thoughts recorded in her journal-1775
As I awoke in the night, I heard the watchman walking up the street,
"All's Well! 1:00-and all's well." I looked at the place beside me. My brother was gone!
"Oh Tom? Where are you Tom?" I grabbed a dress and hastened to slip it on. Carrying my shoes, I tiptoed out on bare feet down the steps-careful not to wake Mother or Father. My brother was seen in a mass of people, lanterns, and farmers on Breed's Hill!
I ran to him calling, " Tom! What are you doing?" He looked up with surprise and motioned to me.
"Little Sis, we're digging forts and putting up guns for provision against the British." I cut him off before he could tell me to go home,
"Tom-let me help!" I grabbed some supplies and skipped off. All night we worked. It was thrilling when in the morning the British saw us. Tom raced down the hill with me, and told me,
"Go home! It's too dangerous here!" He ran off. I pretended that I was heading home, but then I tiptoed to the hill again. The British were rushing up the front of the hill! Soon smoke was all over the place, balls were flying, and British falling. Some of our troops fell too. Some brave men dragged them to the supplies area. I bathed the wounds of men, and they smiled at me.
One man said, "Oh little girl-thank you! You look just like my own precious daughter. Ah-she'll miss me." He sighed. I was touched, and I cried and cried. When he was on his deathbed, I held his hand.
"Be brave my little girl! There will be more battles, and more dead. There will be many fallen. I am proud to die for my country. This country will go on to be a great nation."
He smiled and then said, "Long live America!" These were the last words of this brave man-willing to die for his country. Tears raced down my cheeks.
As I awoke in the night, I heard the watchman walking up the street,
"All's Well! 1:00-and all's well." I looked at the place beside me. My brother was gone!
"Oh Tom? Where are you Tom?" I grabbed a dress and hastened to slip it on. Carrying my shoes, I tiptoed out on bare feet down the steps-careful not to wake Mother or Father. My brother was seen in a mass of people, lanterns, and farmers on Breed's Hill!
I ran to him calling, " Tom! What are you doing?" He looked up with surprise and motioned to me.
"Little Sis, we're digging forts and putting up guns for provision against the British." I cut him off before he could tell me to go home,
"Tom-let me help!" I grabbed some supplies and skipped off. All night we worked. It was thrilling when in the morning the British saw us. Tom raced down the hill with me, and told me,
"Go home! It's too dangerous here!" He ran off. I pretended that I was heading home, but then I tiptoed to the hill again. The British were rushing up the front of the hill! Soon smoke was all over the place, balls were flying, and British falling. Some of our troops fell too. Some brave men dragged them to the supplies area. I bathed the wounds of men, and they smiled at me.
One man said, "Oh little girl-thank you! You look just like my own precious daughter. Ah-she'll miss me." He sighed. I was touched, and I cried and cried. When he was on his deathbed, I held his hand.
"Be brave my little girl! There will be more battles, and more dead. There will be many fallen. I am proud to die for my country. This country will go on to be a great nation."
He smiled and then said, "Long live America!" These were the last words of this brave man-willing to die for his country. Tears raced down my cheeks.
About Article Below By: Stella
Hi All! This is Stella, and I wanted to give you some info. about the post below...
For Bible I wrote a journal entry, written in the perspective of Peter, one of the twelve disciples. Here it is...
For Bible I wrote a journal entry, written in the perspective of Peter, one of the twelve disciples. Here it is...
Peter's Journal 28 A.D.
I have decided to record some events that have happened since following Jesus, our Messiah. My pen will have to put these things down quickly, for I shall put out my light soon. We are bunked in the home of the gracious Israelite man, John, living in this town. Ah! I wish that all of the people would be as gracious as he. Last night, we had but the shelter of the sky and some dust for our beds. We were given the power of Christ to cast out demons, heal the sick, and preach. We don't exactly have the looks of those with authority. I and the others were sent out with but one set of clothes, no money for our belts, and with no food. We sometimes are accepted, but sometimes we are not as fortunate. Praise God for His kindness in letting us be gifted with some of His power and, even better, the knowledge given us by His Son. Ah, but I must go and get my rest. The preaching and healing are tiring work, and who knows, but I might be not having such a warm place to sleep tomorrow. I will record more later.
Peter-Humble Disciple of Christ-
Peter-Humble Disciple of Christ-
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Leo's Fictional Account of the Battle of Bunker Hill
John Pitcairn woke up along with two other soldiers. He saw strange blurs along the tops of Breeds hill and Bunker hill. As he rubbed his eyes, he could focus clearly. He saw Ole Yanks with guns, trenches, and many men. The guidance of General George Washington had helped the men obtain this artillery. He had taken charge of this scatter of farmers and artillery. Nose Blowing: "Col. Washington of this colony {Virginia} being appointed Generalissimo of all the American forces raised... made a demand of 500 Riflemen from the frontiers," wrote schoolmaster, John Harrower, in a letter to his family in Scotland, ''So many men volunteered that Washington had to find a way to choose between them. He took a board of a foot square and with chalk drew the shape of a moderate nose in the center and nailed it up to a tree at 150 yds. distance and those who came nighest {nearest} the mark with a single ball was to go. By 40 or 50 the nose was all blown out." The men had obtained this amazing feat overnight. The company was astonished. From their point of view, these were lazy farmers. Every time they had tried to get them to work, the farmers and hunters had refused. Now they found that these men were far from lazy. In December General "George had ordered Colonel Henry Knox to go to fort Ticonderoga and retrieve the captured British canon there. Knox seemed an unlikely choice to be Washington's ordinance chief. With his portly and good natured personality, he had obtained all his knowledge of artillery from books he had read at his Boston book store. Nonetheless Knox was a man who got things done, even colossal things. He and his men, using oxen, sleds, and rafts, transported fifty-nine pieces of heavy artillery along a wintry mountainous, three-hundred-mile trek. When the artillery arrived in late January 1776, Washington put them to good use. On the evening of March5, 1770 he had stood at the front of the crowd on a snowy Boston square when a volley of British bullets claimed their first martyrs" (Keessee, Sidwell, 113). Now six years later the Redcoats found themselves at the muzzle-end of Henry's heavy guns.
"Get up men, the doom of Boston is at hand!'' John called to his comrades.
"What? What's that you say?" mumbled a member of the company. {A company is a group of soldiers usually led by captain and made up of at least two platoons}.{A platoon is a subdivision of a company, commanded by a lieutenant}" (Hakim, 93).
"Our doom rests upon those Yanks.'' By now Alan and Jeremy were up and getting their arms along with many others. John, being chief of the Lobster Backs, ordered the troops to attack head on, though, as they later found out, it would have been wiser to attack in surprise from the back. As the Redcoats had begun their march up the hill, the Americans, in direct contrast to their enemy's hopes, held their ground. Their commanders, knowing the disadvantage of short-range muskets, commanded them using these words, "Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes.'' The leaders of the Yankee Doodles proved very reliable, considering the fact that they had defeated the Red Coats once before. But could they do it again? They could! The third time the Americans had run out of gunpowder and fled. More than 1000 British were wounded that day. The Americans lost 441 men men. The British had won but what a price to pay for two unimportant hills...
"Get up men, the doom of Boston is at hand!'' John called to his comrades.
"What? What's that you say?" mumbled a member of the company. {A company is a group of soldiers usually led by captain and made up of at least two platoons}.{A platoon is a subdivision of a company, commanded by a lieutenant}" (Hakim, 93).
"Our doom rests upon those Yanks.'' By now Alan and Jeremy were up and getting their arms along with many others. John, being chief of the Lobster Backs, ordered the troops to attack head on, though, as they later found out, it would have been wiser to attack in surprise from the back. As the Redcoats had begun their march up the hill, the Americans, in direct contrast to their enemy's hopes, held their ground. Their commanders, knowing the disadvantage of short-range muskets, commanded them using these words, "Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes.'' The leaders of the Yankee Doodles proved very reliable, considering the fact that they had defeated the Red Coats once before. But could they do it again? They could! The third time the Americans had run out of gunpowder and fled. More than 1000 British were wounded that day. The Americans lost 441 men men. The British had won but what a price to pay for two unimportant hills...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Our Play By: Stella
Hi All! This is Stella, and I want to tell you about a play that we did!
We were assigned to write a play about William and Caroline Herschel, the discoverers of Uranus. We were really excited and I wrote the play, and Leo helped mostly with making the props. We gathered up our costumes, learned our lines, and did our play! Maybe we could get the video of it on this blog... Not sure!!!!
Anyway, I have pasted the script below...
We were assigned to write a play about William and Caroline Herschel, the discoverers of Uranus. We were really excited and I wrote the play, and Leo helped mostly with making the props. We gathered up our costumes, learned our lines, and did our play! Maybe we could get the video of it on this blog... Not sure!!!!
Anyway, I have pasted the script below...
Shivering on Stage Written By: Stella
Character Page
(This is the character page, and it lists the characters in the play, and who plays them...)
William Herschel-Leo
Caroline Herschel-Stella
Little Dancer-Tert
Telescope Customer-Rus
Goverment Official-Rus
Astronomer Friend-Rus
Narrator: Our play today is called- Shivering on Stage. This is a true story about a brother and sister. This brother and sister would stumble upon one of the most important things in our universe.
William and Caroline Herschel lived in Germany. It was the eighteenth century. They were not alone in their family of 8. Their father diligently homeschooled them.
(Seated at a table, father in a chair, surrounded with books and papers. William and Caroline seated and doing their schoolwork.)
Caroline: “Father?”
Father: “Yes Caroline?”
Caroline: “What is this note? I forget? Is it a quarter note?”
Father: “Yes my daughter.”
Caroline: “Thank you!”
William: “Father! I’ve finished my math sheet.”
Father: “Alright son, bring it here.”
Narrator: As the children grew up, their minds grew, and they weren’t satisfied with their small home in Germany. William left and went to England to become a musician, walking in his father’s footsteps. Caroline continued to live at the house.
(Mother seated in a chair. Caroline walks up to her.)
Caroline: “Look what I’ve brought in Mother! It’s a letter from Will! He says that he is coming back! He doesn’t say when though, hmm, I wonder why?”
Mother: “Daughter! Don’t get too excited! Did you finish in the kitchen?”
Caroline: “Yes Mother. Oh Mother! I wish that I could be in his place! I wish that I was better and fit in. It is hard because I miss Father too… Him being on his trip and all. I wish that I could go to…”
William: “Hello- anybody home?”
Caroline: “Will! Oh how we have missed you! I have been wishing that I could be in your place! Oh, what is England like? Do you like it?”
William: “One question at a time! I am coming home for a little visit, England is wonderful, and there are many wonderful people there. Here, I have a gift for you. Go up to your room and open it! I have to talk a moment with Mother.”
William: “Mother. I have a proposition to make. Please hear me out and don’t say anything till I am finished saying what I have to say. I have been thinking that it is high time that Caroline should be beyond the kitchen, and this house. You know how she longs to go outside into the world and I hate to see her held back. I would like to take her to England with me. I have a good place as a musician there. It would all work out. Please say yes?”
Mother: “Son, you know that I can’t say yes. Your sister isn’t pretty enough to fit in. Ever since the fever came, she didn’t grow beyond 4 ft. 3. She is only fit to be a servant. She won’t ever marry.”
William: “Mother. Just for a time. She needs to go beyond this house.”
Mother: “Son, I don’t approve. You know that I can’t say yes. I can’t refuse you though, so I am just staying out of this. I will be greatly displeased if you go though.”
William: “Mother, this is a decision that I have thought over well, and I can’t have anything else stopping me. I need to do this.”
(Mother looks at her son for a while, and then walks off.)
Narrator: Even though William was upsetting his mother, he told Caroline about his plan. After staying a couple days, they both left for England.
(William playing instrument with Caroline. Little Dancer does a dance. Audience claps.)
William: “Thank you, thank you!”
(William and Caroline walk off the stage and start walking home.)
Caroline: “Oh Will! This is so exciting! I have never enjoyed myself more.”
William: “I’m glad! Now I have to go to my shop, I am going to sell some more telescopes.”
Caroline: “I better go back to house. I have to make dinner. Good luck!”
(Caroline goes off stage- William stays on and goes to his shop.)
Telescope Customer: “Sir, do I understand that you sell telescopes?”
William: “Yes sir, I do. They are highly approved of, I can guarantee!”
Telescope Customer: “Alright. I’ll take one. If I like it then I will come back and get some more.
William: “Thank you sir!”
Narrator: “The next day…”
(Telescope Customer hurries over to William. William is in his shop.)
Telescope Customer: “Wonderful! I’ll take 20!”
William: “Thank you sir! Here you are!”
Narrator: Yes, William was successful in his telescope industry! Caroline wasn’t left out however. Every evening the brother and sister would study the sky…”
(William and Caroline in a lab studying the sky.)
William: “Caroline, what would I do without you? You know how to set the telescope strait better than I ever could, and you are so good at studying! You fit in much better here than in our house.”
Caroline: “Thank you Will!”
William: “I think that I have figured out how to make this telescope more powerful. It works much better now.”
Caroline: “You are very good at lenses. You know Will, I think that we make a great team!”
William: “As do I!”
Narrator: “William and Caroline worked hard, and studied a lot. They were amateur astronomers! But something was about to happen that Caroline thought might interfere with their work…
Caroline: “Will, it’s not fair! Everything was wonderful, and you had to wreck it!”
William: “Caroline, you don’t understand, I think that you will really like her. She will be a wonderful sister-in-law for you, and wife for me!”
Caroline: “No! We were a great team! Now you’ll be too busy for me, and for astronomy!”
Narrator: “William and Caroline were back to normal, and were about to stumble upon something wonderful. It happened one quiet evening. William and Caroline were working hard, as usual.”
William: “Caroline! Look at this! What is it?”
Caroline: “It might be a comet?”
William: “But it is shaped like a disk!”
Caroline: “It couldn’t be another planet?”
William: “A planet, I didn’t think of that.”
Narrator: William and Caroline marked it down in their charts. They rushed over to their friend’s house, and much to their surprise…
Astronomer Friend: William! Caroline! You have just discovered… a planet!!!!”
Caroline: “Surely you’re mistaken?”
Astronomer Friend: “No! It is a planet! Oh, let us notify the government officials tomorrow morning, EARLY!
Narrator: William and Caroline were highly commended by the government officials, and they received large sums of money. They also had a meeting in England held in their honor.
Goverment Official: William and Caroline Herschel, you have made a great discovery. We have an offer that we hope that you will accept. We have met with everyone, and we have agreed to pay you to become full time astronomers. Will you accept?”
William and Caroline: “Yes sir! That is what we desire most!”
Goverment Official: “Good! Everyone give a cheer for, William and Caroline Herschel!”
(Mother walks up.)
Caroline: “Mother!”
(Hugs Mother.)
Mother: “Your father wished with all of his heart to come, but he couldn’t. I came instead. Caroline, I admit that I didn’t think that much would come of you, but oh, how I was wrong! You are such a wonderful daughter and I am proud of you and your brother!”
Caroline: “Thank you Mother!”
Narrator: William and Caroline went on in their study of astronomy. William found two of Saturn’s moons, and Caroline found many comets. Who would have thought that this homeschooling brother and sister would make such a difference in astronomy? This is the end of this story, but who can tell, will you be in the next one?
Written By: Stella
Directed By: Stella and Rus
Narrated By: Mater
(This is the character page, and it lists the characters in the play, and who plays them...)
William Herschel-Leo
Caroline Herschel-Stella
Little Dancer-Tert
Telescope Customer-Rus
Goverment Official-Rus
Astronomer Friend-Rus
Narrator: Our play today is called- Shivering on Stage. This is a true story about a brother and sister. This brother and sister would stumble upon one of the most important things in our universe.
William and Caroline Herschel lived in Germany. It was the eighteenth century. They were not alone in their family of 8. Their father diligently homeschooled them.
(Seated at a table, father in a chair, surrounded with books and papers. William and Caroline seated and doing their schoolwork.)
Caroline: “Father?”
Father: “Yes Caroline?”
Caroline: “What is this note? I forget? Is it a quarter note?”
Father: “Yes my daughter.”
Caroline: “Thank you!”
William: “Father! I’ve finished my math sheet.”
Father: “Alright son, bring it here.”
Narrator: As the children grew up, their minds grew, and they weren’t satisfied with their small home in Germany. William left and went to England to become a musician, walking in his father’s footsteps. Caroline continued to live at the house.
(Mother seated in a chair. Caroline walks up to her.)
Caroline: “Look what I’ve brought in Mother! It’s a letter from Will! He says that he is coming back! He doesn’t say when though, hmm, I wonder why?”
Mother: “Daughter! Don’t get too excited! Did you finish in the kitchen?”
Caroline: “Yes Mother. Oh Mother! I wish that I could be in his place! I wish that I was better and fit in. It is hard because I miss Father too… Him being on his trip and all. I wish that I could go to…”
William: “Hello- anybody home?”
Caroline: “Will! Oh how we have missed you! I have been wishing that I could be in your place! Oh, what is England like? Do you like it?”
William: “One question at a time! I am coming home for a little visit, England is wonderful, and there are many wonderful people there. Here, I have a gift for you. Go up to your room and open it! I have to talk a moment with Mother.”
William: “Mother. I have a proposition to make. Please hear me out and don’t say anything till I am finished saying what I have to say. I have been thinking that it is high time that Caroline should be beyond the kitchen, and this house. You know how she longs to go outside into the world and I hate to see her held back. I would like to take her to England with me. I have a good place as a musician there. It would all work out. Please say yes?”
Mother: “Son, you know that I can’t say yes. Your sister isn’t pretty enough to fit in. Ever since the fever came, she didn’t grow beyond 4 ft. 3. She is only fit to be a servant. She won’t ever marry.”
William: “Mother. Just for a time. She needs to go beyond this house.”
Mother: “Son, I don’t approve. You know that I can’t say yes. I can’t refuse you though, so I am just staying out of this. I will be greatly displeased if you go though.”
William: “Mother, this is a decision that I have thought over well, and I can’t have anything else stopping me. I need to do this.”
(Mother looks at her son for a while, and then walks off.)
Narrator: Even though William was upsetting his mother, he told Caroline about his plan. After staying a couple days, they both left for England.
(William playing instrument with Caroline. Little Dancer does a dance. Audience claps.)
William: “Thank you, thank you!”
(William and Caroline walk off the stage and start walking home.)
Caroline: “Oh Will! This is so exciting! I have never enjoyed myself more.”
William: “I’m glad! Now I have to go to my shop, I am going to sell some more telescopes.”
Caroline: “I better go back to house. I have to make dinner. Good luck!”
(Caroline goes off stage- William stays on and goes to his shop.)
Telescope Customer: “Sir, do I understand that you sell telescopes?”
William: “Yes sir, I do. They are highly approved of, I can guarantee!”
Telescope Customer: “Alright. I’ll take one. If I like it then I will come back and get some more.
William: “Thank you sir!”
Narrator: “The next day…”
(Telescope Customer hurries over to William. William is in his shop.)
Telescope Customer: “Wonderful! I’ll take 20!”
William: “Thank you sir! Here you are!”
Narrator: Yes, William was successful in his telescope industry! Caroline wasn’t left out however. Every evening the brother and sister would study the sky…”
(William and Caroline in a lab studying the sky.)
William: “Caroline, what would I do without you? You know how to set the telescope strait better than I ever could, and you are so good at studying! You fit in much better here than in our house.”
Caroline: “Thank you Will!”
William: “I think that I have figured out how to make this telescope more powerful. It works much better now.”
Caroline: “You are very good at lenses. You know Will, I think that we make a great team!”
William: “As do I!”
Narrator: “William and Caroline worked hard, and studied a lot. They were amateur astronomers! But something was about to happen that Caroline thought might interfere with their work…
Caroline: “Will, it’s not fair! Everything was wonderful, and you had to wreck it!”
William: “Caroline, you don’t understand, I think that you will really like her. She will be a wonderful sister-in-law for you, and wife for me!”
Caroline: “No! We were a great team! Now you’ll be too busy for me, and for astronomy!”
Narrator: “William and Caroline were back to normal, and were about to stumble upon something wonderful. It happened one quiet evening. William and Caroline were working hard, as usual.”
William: “Caroline! Look at this! What is it?”
Caroline: “It might be a comet?”
William: “But it is shaped like a disk!”
Caroline: “It couldn’t be another planet?”
William: “A planet, I didn’t think of that.”
Narrator: William and Caroline marked it down in their charts. They rushed over to their friend’s house, and much to their surprise…
Astronomer Friend: William! Caroline! You have just discovered… a planet!!!!”
Caroline: “Surely you’re mistaken?”
Astronomer Friend: “No! It is a planet! Oh, let us notify the government officials tomorrow morning, EARLY!
Narrator: William and Caroline were highly commended by the government officials, and they received large sums of money. They also had a meeting in England held in their honor.
Goverment Official: William and Caroline Herschel, you have made a great discovery. We have an offer that we hope that you will accept. We have met with everyone, and we have agreed to pay you to become full time astronomers. Will you accept?”
William and Caroline: “Yes sir! That is what we desire most!”
Goverment Official: “Good! Everyone give a cheer for, William and Caroline Herschel!”
(Mother walks up.)
Caroline: “Mother!”
(Hugs Mother.)
Mother: “Your father wished with all of his heart to come, but he couldn’t. I came instead. Caroline, I admit that I didn’t think that much would come of you, but oh, how I was wrong! You are such a wonderful daughter and I am proud of you and your brother!”
Caroline: “Thank you Mother!”
Narrator: William and Caroline went on in their study of astronomy. William found two of Saturn’s moons, and Caroline found many comets. Who would have thought that this homeschooling brother and sister would make such a difference in astronomy? This is the end of this story, but who can tell, will you be in the next one?
Written By: Stella
Directed By: Stella and Rus
Narrated By: Mater
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Definition Poems... By: Stella
Hi all! This is Stella, and I wanted to share with you some definition poems that I wrote.
I have put them below...
Enjoy! :)
I have put them below...
Enjoy! :)
Kindness is...
A loving word when your friend feels down...
A hug and a kiss to cheer them up...
Sacrificing your own interests for those of others...
Kindness is love, joy, and peace put together...
A hug and a kiss to cheer them up...
Sacrificing your own interests for those of others...
Kindness is love, joy, and peace put together...
Friendship is...
When you see someone new and go over and say hi...
Listening to the other and caring...
Protection on another...
Surprising one another...
Helping each other in trouble and pulling the other one out of it...
Friendship is walking on the path of life with a loving friend by your side...
By: Stella
Listening to the other and caring...
Protection on another...
Surprising one another...
Helping each other in trouble and pulling the other one out of it...
Friendship is walking on the path of life with a loving friend by your side...
By: Stella
Friday, January 7, 2011
Stellarium By: Stella
Hi all! This is Stella! I wanted to write about this cool new program that we downloaded onto our computer. It is free, and we have enjoyed every minute of it. A lady at the planetarium recommended it to us because it is what they use in their planetarium and in the shows. It is called Stellarium. I personally like the name-can you tell?!
Anyway we downloaded this program onto the computer. After we downloaded it onto the computer we fiddled around with it a little bit. It is really neat!
There is a button that you can press on it and you can set the time to the present time.
There are several buttons on it, and you can- (if you decide to download this) scroll over them, and they tell you what they do.
One group of buttons that I think is really neat, is there are a couple of buttons that say- Constellation Lines-Constellation Art-and Constellation Labels. They are really cool. If you click on the Constellation Lines, then it connects different groups of stars, and you can see the stick figures of the different constellations. Then there is a button which you can press and it says- Constellation Labels- and you can click that and it labels all of the constellations. Cool huh? The neatest one of all in that group though-at least I think so- is a button which says Constellation Art, and it makes all of the constellations pop up in really detailed pictures! We love looking at the different constellations, and seeing how many of them we know! (Sometimes the constellations take a minute to come up, so don't be worried if they don't pop up right away, or if all of them don't pop up at the same time.)
Another REALLY cool thing that this program does is it labels, sattelites and nebulas. Also, if you click on a star, it pops up in the top left corner of your computer with its name, light years away, etc.
There is one button that you can press and it looks like a circle. This zooms in on the planets, and they look cool, but there is a different way that gives much more detail, and it labels all of the planet's moons, etc. To do this, you simply scroll up on your mouse once you have clicked on the object. You can't zoom in the first way I mentioned, and then do this. You have to be looking at the sky without zooming in, and then click on the object that you want to see, and if then there is a play-pause button, and if you are having trouble viewing the planets and their moons, then you can just click the play-pause button. (You can also use these buttons and the fast-foward button to zoom ahead in time, or behind in time in the sky.)
One other thing that I really find handy is a search tool, where you can type in the name of whatever you want to see, and then you can click enter, and it will find it for you. Just a tip-if you try to enter Earth into the search guide, it won't help you. It'll just point your direction down to the ground.
This is just a little input on this program-but if you want to- Go and try it for yourself! If you want some more information on this, then just post a comment or e-mail us....
Thanks so much!
Stella giving info. about- STELLARIUM!
Anyway we downloaded this program onto the computer. After we downloaded it onto the computer we fiddled around with it a little bit. It is really neat!
There is a button that you can press on it and you can set the time to the present time.
There are several buttons on it, and you can- (if you decide to download this) scroll over them, and they tell you what they do.
One group of buttons that I think is really neat, is there are a couple of buttons that say- Constellation Lines-Constellation Art-and Constellation Labels. They are really cool. If you click on the Constellation Lines, then it connects different groups of stars, and you can see the stick figures of the different constellations. Then there is a button which you can press and it says- Constellation Labels- and you can click that and it labels all of the constellations. Cool huh? The neatest one of all in that group though-at least I think so- is a button which says Constellation Art, and it makes all of the constellations pop up in really detailed pictures! We love looking at the different constellations, and seeing how many of them we know! (Sometimes the constellations take a minute to come up, so don't be worried if they don't pop up right away, or if all of them don't pop up at the same time.)
Another REALLY cool thing that this program does is it labels, sattelites and nebulas. Also, if you click on a star, it pops up in the top left corner of your computer with its name, light years away, etc.
There is one button that you can press and it looks like a circle. This zooms in on the planets, and they look cool, but there is a different way that gives much more detail, and it labels all of the planet's moons, etc. To do this, you simply scroll up on your mouse once you have clicked on the object. You can't zoom in the first way I mentioned, and then do this. You have to be looking at the sky without zooming in, and then click on the object that you want to see, and if then there is a play-pause button, and if you are having trouble viewing the planets and their moons, then you can just click the play-pause button. (You can also use these buttons and the fast-foward button to zoom ahead in time, or behind in time in the sky.)
One other thing that I really find handy is a search tool, where you can type in the name of whatever you want to see, and then you can click enter, and it will find it for you. Just a tip-if you try to enter Earth into the search guide, it won't help you. It'll just point your direction down to the ground.
This is just a little input on this program-but if you want to- Go and try it for yourself! If you want some more information on this, then just post a comment or e-mail us....
Thanks so much!
Stella giving info. about- STELLARIUM!
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